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Promotional Bumf

Low down on the promotion scene today:

A wave of promotional bumf comes from The Hobbit with its fantastic poster which can be found here on the Empire website complete with a scene by scene run down on what is going on across the scroll, and here is an awesome little device which provides you with a little magnifying glass to get right into all those lovely nitty gritty little details. For those who like to express their love for Middle Earth publicly, Warner Bros have put together a nifty little app to create twitter skins, Facebook covers and wallpapers from the poster. All of my electronic devices are already covered in this image!!

The promotional trail for The Dark Knight Rises has been so extensive, I have to thank the advertisers for saving me a few quid as I now feel I don’t need to see the completed film next week. Not that I’m denying how excited I am for it. I loved the earlier trailer which builds from near silence, which was of course predictably juxtaposed with all of those images of pain and destruction, and crescendo’s into Hans Zimmer’s score climax (preview soundtrack here). I try to refrain from watching TOO many clips and trailers for the films I am most excited for, I like to let myself in for a few surprises, but here can be found a short clip, one of the many posters released with accompanying trailer, and here is, well, another trailer and a slightly longer clip.

Another note, Elysium is preparing for its release in March with a ‘citizen initiative’ simulation, which in the style of Prometheus‘s Weyland Industry/ David virals invites the user to participate in a distinctly unsettling version of humanity.

And finally, The Dinosaur Project, a film I have hardly heard about (though it’s hard for any film to be heard over the comic- book monster tag team that is The Amazing Spiderman and The Dark Knight Rises) released a really handsome poster, which you can get a glimpse of along with a trailer here. It seems like a pretty standard, run of the mill found footage film with dinosaurs thrown in for an attempted added measure of excitement. The films website looks like a cute concept, but lacks content and simply links to a facebook page (damn it facebook!). In fact, the whole film and its promotion all has interesting concepts which seem to fail to translate into the excecution of the actual film. I hate when that happens. But I do love promotional bumf.